Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Co-Captain's Log Entry -- Stardate minus four

Today was mostly another day of details and prep.....until Spider called from the other end of the house, "Put on Channel Four!"  And there it was: the community channel's traditional Christmas log.   At once my shoulders relaxed.  NOW it's officially Christmas.  For some reason they didn't run the Yule log as usual yesterday, replacing it with some dopey decorated Christmas tree, and we both phoned in to request its return.

It just didn't feel like Christmas until I heard logs crackling.  We didn't have time to light a fire ourselves....because every minute we're busy burning the Stardance Log, preparing for liftoff, working away at those details I mentioned.  

But don't get the idea I'm feeling harassed: I feel blessed.  The crackling Christmas fire reminds me of what an incredible gift I'm receiving this year....and leaves me exhilarated, warm, and grateful.

--Co-Captain Jeanne

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